CareGlance expanding market opportunities

CareGlance at 2024 events

Last week CareGlance Team has been travelling around Italy to visit two important events: E-TECH Europe and Macfrut.

During this days, talks with relevant players validated OCT, and in particular CareGlance solution, to be an added value for many different applications.

E-TECH Europe focused on e-mobility. This event confirmed that both Laser Welding and Additive Manufacturing can benefit of a real-time monitoring tool: it is extremely important to inspect the process while performing it and CareGlance can assist this with a reliable system.

MACFRUT focused on agrifood technology. A completely different market with something in common: the need of inspecting Quality. CareGlance Team had the chance to meet all relevant players to understand the state of the art and started a conversation with them to investigate possible cooperation.

2024 agenda is still full of fairs and events: stay tuned to see what’s next!


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